Friday, January 23, 2015

Episode 8 - We Waited 200 Years for THIS???

More than two hundred years ago, Founding Fathers Paul Revere and Samuel Adams left some items in a time capsule, likely as a way to allow us, their descendants, to gain some insight into the way they lived. Strangely, it seems the items they left are still a bit more relevant to OUR lives than they should be.

Download this episode here!

The article that got Anthony and Smokey thinking about this particular subject can be found at

Friday, January 9, 2015

Episode 7 - Your Handwriting Sucks

Are you able to get a point across by writing it down? Could anybody read it if you tried? Has anyone ever even taught you the correct way to hold a pen??? Anthony and Smokey wonder how the art of handwriting will survive our keyboard-centric modern lifestyle.

Download this episode here!

Mentioned in this episode: 

The source article for today's show can be found at

Anthony mentions "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, which can be found for Kindle at

The "Sullivan Ballou Letter" from Ken Burns' "The Civil War" can be heard at
