Friday, August 28, 2015

Episode 21 - Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions

Why on Earth don't movie and TV characters wear shoes indoors? How are there always parking spaces available at the front door? Do all movie aliens look just like us? John and Smokey ponder some of the dumb things in movies that NEVER happen in reality (or at least sure don't seem to...).

Download this episode here!

Credit where credit is due - this episode's title comes from a bit Andy Samberg and Will Ferrell did for the 2009 MTV Movie Awards. See the brilliance here:

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Episode 20 - Manners Maketh Man

"Do unto others before they do it to you..." No, wait, that's not right... is it?  You'd never know these days, as people are less considerate of one another than ever before, or at least it seems that way.  John and Smokey wonder why "good manners" are so hard to find anymore, or better yet, why are they so hard to practice?

Download this episode here!

We found the story about the screaming-child incident at the diner in Portland, Maine here:

Curious about those characteristics of manners from days gone by that John was telling us about? Check 'em out here:
